Homeopathy and the Treatment of Grief

Homeopathy and the Treatment of Grief

Homeopathy offers support with a wide range of remedies addressing various stages and experiences of grief. Finding the right remedy begins with a homeopathic consultation, where the totality of your experience and symptoms are taken into account. Grief symptoms commonly include shock, numbness, sadness, anger, guilt and feeling isolated. Causations can include the loss of a loved one, being treated unfairly or unkindly, heartache from a failed relationship, financial loss, mortification and disappointment from deception. Homeopathy carefully considers your thoughts and feelings but it also factors in your sleep and dietary patterns, general health, responses to the environment, moderating factors and energy levels.

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Homeopathy & Mental Health

Homeopathy & Mental Health

Homeopathy expertly addresses mental health through psychological assessment, selection of a remedy based on homeopathic laws and principles and ongoing analysis and treatment with follow up appointments. The aim of treatment is to understand your experience of mental health as an individual, as opposed to a conventional one size fits all approach. Homeopathy is a complete system of treatment that addresses how you think, feel and experience mental health, including its interrelationship with your physical health.

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Homeopathy & the Treatment of Stress

Homeopathy & the Treatment of Stress

Homeopathic treatment measures the way that you experience stress mentally, emotionally and physically, as well taking into consideration medical, causative and family history factors. But how you think, feel and physically respond to stress will provide important information for case analyses and the selection of a homeopathic remedy.

No one person responds to stress in exactly same way. For example, the idea of public speaking can be stressful for many people, but the way each individual person experiences this will be different from one person to the next. One person’s predisposition might be to feel nauseous, dizzy and break into a sweat when speaking in public, whereas another person’s will be to anxiously stutter their way through the experience.

Photo by JOSHUA COLEMAN on Unsplash

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Homeopathy & the Treatment of Depression

Homeopathy & the Treatment of Depression

Although depression isn’t uncommon, the way it’s experienced is unique from one person to the next. These diverse experiences are reflected in the wide range of homeopathic remedies used for its treatment. Many homeopathic remedies cover broad symptoms, such as sadness, pessimism, fear and anxiety, but in order to find a truly effective remedy it must match the individualising symptoms of the patient’s case.

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Homeopathy & the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders

Homeopathy & the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders frequently cause intense, excessive and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations. Ongoing anxiety can make a person imagine that things in their life are worse than they really are, which in turn can prevent them from confronting their fears whilst and cause a lot of suffering.

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