Finding the Right Remedy

Finding the Right Remedy

Homeopathic Materia Medica are filled with thousands of remedies and there are new remedies being discovered, documented and used in practice on a regular basis.  Each remedy is coded with hundreds and even thousands of different symptoms that uniquely identify it apart from one remedy picture to the next.  This unique information is what characterises a remedy in terms of using it in homeopathic practice.  And that is why it is so important to understand your experience of being unwell as an individual, so that a remedy which has the same sorts of coded characteristic symptoms can be matched to the way you experience being sick. 

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Acute & Constitutional Prescribing

Acute & Constitutional Prescribing

Acute and constitutional prescribing underpins homeopathic practice though it’s always important to remember that homeopathy treats the individual, not the disease name, body part or pathology diagnosis.  But what does that really mean?  Simple, when we are healthy we all experience life differently, for example one person might feel invigorated taking a hot bath, whereas another person finds hot baths unbearable.  Homeopathy works on this principle and aims to understand the individualising factors of your illness in exactly the same way.

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What to expect from homeopathic consultations

What to expect from homeopathic consultations

When I first went to see a homeopath 17 years ago, I had no idea of what to expect, all I knew was that I felt unwell and had a strong inclination to explore a safe and natural alternative to health.  During the consultation we talked about my presenting complaint but my homeopath went on to ask an range of questions that built a more complete picture of who I was in relation to this.  These included medical and family history, my thoughts, feelings, desires and aversions, moderating factors, sleep and eating patterns, responses to atmospheric conditions, and many more.

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